Collection: Center for Economic Democracy

Center for Economic Democracy (CED) is helping to birth a post-capitalist world, free from economic systems that extract and enclose wealth and full of democratic economies that restore and sustain our communities.

We are part of the broader movement to democratize our economic systems. We work to build solidarity economies that are rooted in place, democratically owned and governed by communities, and that center the health and wealth of exploited groups – specifically poor and working class Black, indigenous, and other communities of color.

We build infrastructure for post-capitalist experiments while also redirecting capital to frontline base-building groups who are resisting existing systems. In this way, we support a holistic “resist and build” movement approach. CED has served as the backbone for multiple big wins, including amending Boston’s charter to empower everyday residents in the City’s budget decisions as well as distributing almost $1M in Covid-19 relief funding to grassroots base-building organizations.